Corporate Conflict Management Training - Ripple Learning

Conflict management training

Customised corporate workshops

Available onsite, online and hybrid

Conflict in the workplace is a major cause of stress, absenteeism and presenteeism. It reduces productivity, engagement and retention.

And it's one of the hardest issues to manage and resolve, because most people have never been taught effective conflict management skills.

Ripple Learning provides online and onsite corporate conflict management workshops that give your teams the skills, tools and strategies they need to navigate difficult situations and have challenging conversations – safely.

Our team of expert facilitators have years of industry experience and a deep understanding of the challenges many people face in the workplace.

Conflict resolution workshop

Learn how to safely de-escalate strong emotions and then move forward with future-focused problem solving for improved performance, productivity and engagement.

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Courageous conversations workshop

Learn how to have difficult conversations safely, even when they trigger stress and intense emotions, and develop skills in how to prepare, listen, respond, and repair relationships.

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Conflict resolution and ADR for construction workshop 

This one-day workshop combines the Conflict Resolution and ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) training and was developed specifically for the construction industry.

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Negotiation skills workshop

Learn how to prepare for, engage in and follow up on negotiations. Includes negotiation tactics and how to respond to others’ tactics.

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Difficult conversations

Conversations typically feel ‘difficult’ when we anticipate negative consequences if the interaction doesn’t go perfectly, or if it goes badly. It can feel like the trajectory of these conversations is hard to predict and that we don’t have as much control over the outcome as we would like

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Accidental mediator

This onsite corporate training is a practical, skills-based workshop equips participants with the confidence and techniques to de-escalate tensions, facilitate resolution, and foster collaboration.

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